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#1 04-12-2018 01:16:05

Cadastrado: 17-02-2018
Posts: 1

Replay Royal Baby

Olá, vi que saiu um novo replay chamado ''Royal Baby'', e quando fui clicar no botão do replay para inicia-lo apareceu uma outra aventura que não é esse ''Royal Baby''.
Isso é um bug?

#2 04-12-2018 02:33:25

Cadastrado: 08-03-2014
Posts: 13

Re: Replay Royal Baby

estou  com o mesmo problema , o que posso fazer ?


#3 26-02-2019 11:54:24

French Moderator
Cadastrado: 06-11-2014
Posts: 239

Re: Replay Royal Baby

Hello !
Sorry to have been away for a long time!

There have been quests where some players have been stuck on the wrong quest. Could you finish the quest? I can get it to you again now if you missed it.

You can see the quest gifts here.

OMD French Moderator

Please excuse my English which is not the best.

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