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a story

sarada vs inojin

Sarada was on her way home, class was just dismissed and she wanted to catch her mother before she went tot he hospital. She really wanted to show her mother how to combined the poison mist jutsu with her fire jutsu. She wanted her mother to be proud of her, she wanted to show her mother that she was just like her too. That, and a inner voice within of her mind thought that she could use it on her father, to keep him home for a few days, so she can be his doctor, and take care of him. Sarada was much more like her mother than she thought. Sarada giggled at the thought and continued on home. Half way to the Uchiha complex, Sarada sensed she was being followed. She withdrew and kunai causes it to clash with another. She turned around and adjusted her glasses, "Who's there." She said giving a menacing stare to a nearby bush, that would even put Sasuke himself to shame. A blonde boy quickly emerged from the bush, and stared at the uchiha princess. It was no other than Inojin, the son of Ino Yamanacha and Sai. He drew his scroll and paint brush and said, " I dont know what is more frightening that soulless stare of yours, or your giant forehead ." Sarada frowned and crossed her arms, noticing the boy taking out a scroll and paintbrush "Come to get my autograph, you sick pig?" Sarada ask in a condescending tone, knowing that Inojin inherited his father gift of animating his drawings. "Shino-sensi obviously made a mistake, you aren't a better shinobi than me. I will prove it when I defeat you. Besides mom told be to test out my jutsu on animals, you are the next best thing." Inojin said as he weaved a handseal causing a punch of multicolored rats to come towards Sarada. She quickly jumped and weaved the handseals to counter it with a fire attack. With a deep inhale Sarada gathered her chakra and converted it into fire, and with a exhale it engulfed all of Inojins creations. Inojin: What ? kind of monster are you?! He was a bit surprised that she was able to per that level jutsu, as a genin. It was true, the uchiha hype wasn't hype at all. As Sarda landed back on the ground, the area around the was filled with smoke and the aroma of charred flowers. Sarada inhaled a little and her eyes widen, she recognized the smell. It was a poisonous plant, it usually effect one's mind, making them more susceptible to mind manipulation. Sarada: Crap, I have to hold my breath, he must've learned his mother's clan jutsu. I can feel the effects already taking over, from the little that i inhaled. Clever, pig. Sarada focused her a little chakra into her arms, to strengthen them, slashing them throw the smoke, causing it to disperse. She knew she had to be careful, to much chakra would destroy the area around her. Inojin gasped, he didn't know she was this good. Sarada: You know, it was clever of you to use that plant, to loosen my mind, so you can invade it. But there is a flaw, you can only travel in a linear fashion. All I have to do is move out the way. Sarada said arrogantly, not noticing the ink snakes behind her, that quickly charged at her to bind her. The snaked constructed themselves around the girl, tightening their grip as he struggled. Inojin: You are correct. But, while you were talking, I found a solution to that problem. Now get ready. Inojin gestured the infamous Yamanacha hand sign, and excuted his jutsu, at the same time Sarada broke free of the ink snake, with her strength. INojin's body fell limb, as well as Sarada. Inojin found himself in this dark void which was Sarada's mind. He remembered what his mother told him, once***cuted,the victims energy is suppressed. This jutsu never fells. Inojin: Now I will go to Shino sensei and tell him that I should be the top rookie, using her body. Before Inojin could move he felt as if his spirit was being rejected. It was a weird and uneasy feeling. And almost instantly he felt a cold chill engulf his being. And suddenly a giant glowing, black and white version of Sarada appears before him. Inner Sarada: You have made a mistake entering my mind. Lets play shall we. Inojin suddenly found himself being bound to a medical table , and mutiple versions a inner sarada's appearing before his eyes. Inojin: What's going on, this is impossible. Inner Sarada's: I can practice per ing surgery on this pig. The various Sarada clones began to create chakra scapels and eased in on Inojin causing him to close his eyes. Inojin: Noooooooooooooooo! Inojin yelled. Only to open his eyes to see Sarada in knelling down in front of him raising her eyebrow. Inojin: Im back in my body. What? What are you? Sarada frowned, as if she was confused as to what he was talking about. Sarada:"What are you talking about, I think you where having a nightmare. I found you by the tree screaming, like a child. Maybe I should take you to my mom's clinic." Inojin recalled his nightmare, and the word clinic made him cringe. With a fake smile he said. Inojin: I'd rather not, im fine. Got to get going my mom is waiting for me. He said getting up from the ground, taking off. Sarada smirked and went about her business too. Later that night, at the Yamanacha Household. Ino was tucking her son in before he went to bed, and she would tell something was on his mind. "Whats on your mind kid?" Ino asked, her son. Inojin knew that he couldn't lie to his mother, no matter how skil in deception he was. " said the mind transfer jutsu never fails.Right?" He asked, nervously. Ino raised her eyebrow and nodded, "I was always successful with the jutsu....except for your aunt is a freak she has two minds."Inojin eye widened, realizing that the events that happened earlier wasn't a dream.







Uchiha Clan




















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